• Locatie
      • A Lab
      • Overhoeksplein 2
      • 1031 KS Amsterdam-Noord
      • Noord-Holland, Nederland
      • Van
      • 10 januari 2023
      • Tot
      • 10 januari 2023
    • Algemene informatie

      • Leeftijdscategorie
      • alle leeftijden
        • Indicatie entreeprijzen
        • - volwassen
        • - kinderen
        • - senioren / 65+
        • 11,00
        • 0,00
        • € 11,00
      • (Openings)tijden
      • 18:00 - 18:30 uur

      Extra informatie

      On the 10th of January, a wonderful oboe player (Arthur Klaassens) is going to perform Sequenza VII by the great Italian composer Luciano Berio being accompanied by two contemporary pieces written by Dutch composers: So it Goes... by Patrick van Deurzen and The Garden of Love by Jacob ter Veldhuis.
      All three pieces are very contrasting: Sequenza VII forms the center. In this study of the sonic capabilities of the oboe, Berio plays with polyphonic ideas by having a B natural sound throughout the piece, creating a kind of tonal anchor.
      So it goes… is a world premiere for solo English horn by the Dutch composer Patrick van Deurzen. This piece was born out of the COVID lockdowns, as a response to the global tragedy that the pandemic brought about.
      The concert concludes with Jacob ter Veldhuis' lively The Garden of Love, written for an oboe and tape, which is based on a poem by William Blake.

      Come to experience our concert in a new, extraordinary way.
      Let's pause, focus and escape for a moment from the outside rushing world!




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