• Locatie
      • CBK Amsteram
      • Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71
      • 1093 KS Amsterdam
      • Noord-Holland, Nederland
      • Van
      • 18 oktober 2018
      • Tot
      • 20 oktober 2018
    • Algemene informatie

      • Leeftijdscategorie
      • 20 tot 80 jaar
        • Indicatie entreeprijzen
        • - volwassen
        • - kinderen
        • - senioren / 65+
        • 20,00
        • 0,00
        • € 0,00
      • (Openings)tijden
      • 18:00 - 20:00 uur

      Extra informatie

      After sold-out performances in the beautiful theatre of Dansmakers Amsterdam, Emotional Porn - Exhibition of the Self is back bigger than ever!!

      Joining forces with Amsterdam-Dance-Event Playground & CBK Amsterdam and featuring:
      *3 performances
      *Special live performance by Raphael Vanoli
      *Ongoing audiovisual art installation & Curated exhibition with guest artists discoursing the topic of self-exposure and porn
      *Emotional Porn - Exhibition of the Self Merchandise sale

      18/19/20 of October, 20:30 CBK Amsterdam
      Tickets: https://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/search/emotional+porn/

      Emotional Porn – Exhibition of the Self

      How much of what we share about ourselves is real?

      A boundless universe of dance and audiovisual art installation which explores our social obsession in self exposure through the use of modern technologies. Performer/Choreographer Keren Rosenberg, Visual-artist Tony Markus Sacharias & Filmmaker Nicola Cavalazzi create an immersive physical and virtual interface between the human body, image and performance. Inviting audiences to reflect on their own perception of identity, as they touch realms of intimacy, social positioning, vulnerabilities, fear and confrontation.

      “Rosenberg is amazing to watch: as a man, as a woman and everything in the in between.“ Volkskrant magazine

      Producer: The House of Victorious humans
      Executive producer: Dansmakers Amsterdam
      Co-Producers: BEAMLAB, Friese Dansdagen.
      Partnered by Amsterdam Dance Event, CBK Amsterdam

      ***Special live performance by composer and improviser Raphael Vanoli.
      Transcending the aesthetics of conventional electric guitar music with his unique blowing techniques, Raphael will take us into his minimalistic and cinematic universe.




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