Exhibition Out Of The Woods
Algemene informatie
- Leeftijdscategorie
- alle leeftijden
- Indicatie entreeprijzen
- - volwassen
- - kinderen
- - senioren / 65+
- € 0,00
- € 0,00
- € 0,00
- (Openings)tijden
- N.B.
Extra informatie
Rohan Kumara is an inspiring artist who makes abstract expressionist art.
He puts his feelings in his paintings, for himself, hopefully also to inspire other people:
“I learned that we all need love and respect in this world.
Sometimes, this can be very difficult.
Through the years, I fell into the darkness a couple of times and at times I felt liberated.
When things get tough, it`s hard to keep the game going.
Running away is an easier way out, but it does not fix your problems at all.
Sometimes you have to stay around long enough for luck to find you.
I did a lot of thinking and a lot of dreaming.
I always dreamed that I was going to do something special in this world.
Something special that may be different and can inspire people.
Turning negative into positive.
That is how I was able to make art.“Organisatie
- Website: wwww.rohanKumara.com
Adres: Gerard Doustraat 76
Postcode: 1072 VW
Plaats: Amsterdam
Email: info@rohankumara.com
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