• Locatie
      • Het Transformatorhuis (Trafo House)
      • Klonneplein 2
      • 1014 DD Amsterdam
      • Noord-Holland, Nederland
      • Van
      • 21 februari 2018
      • Tot
      • 25 februari 2018
    • Algemene informatie

      • Leeftijdscategorie
      • 13 tot 99 jaar
        • Indicatie entreeprijzen
        • - volwassen
        • - kinderen
        • - senioren / 65+
        • 11,00
        • 11,00
        • € 11,00
      • (Openings)tijden
      • 21:00 - 00:00 uur

      Extra informatie

      Musician, producer, visual artist, and thinker Brian Eno, together with longtime collaborator Peter Chilvers, present their latest work and initial foray into mixed reality with Bloom: Open Space, a groundbreaking generative audio-visual installation based upon their highly acclaimed, award-winning app, Bloom. The innovative mixed reality installation, enabled by Microsoft HoloLens, blurs the lines between the physical and virtual, exploring uncharted territory in the realms of both applications and generative art.

      Bloom: Open Space allows participants to experience Bloom in a completely new context. Guests will step into a central zone surrounded by screens, where they can physically experience Bloom – tapping the air around them to create elaborate patterns and unique melodies with the simplest of gestures.




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